Friday, June 10, 2011

For the LOVE of music...

One day I want to fall in love with someone like I've fallen in love with music.

My first and only true love (at the moment) is music.  It's the kind of love that I can't verbally describe.  Something that can't be put into words.

It's like this...

Picture the most perfect day.  You're standing outside breathing in the fresh, warm summer air. The sun is beaming down brilliant rays of warmth. A light breeze calmly brushes against your skin. You feel excited for no particular reason. You feel alive, more alive than you've ever felt in your entire life.
Imagine that times 100.

Did that just blow your mind? Impossible to even imagine how good of a feeling that is, right?

THAT'S how I feel about music.  It helps me get through every challenge, heartache, and day, good or bad.

If I can feel this strongly about words and sounds, I can only imagine how amazing it would be to feel this way about another human being.

I want to be able to listen to this song and feel this way when I finally fall in love. =)

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